React Nx Tutorial - Step 7: Share Code

Awesome! The application is working end to end! However, there is a problem. Both the backend and the frontend define the Todo interface. The interface is in sync now, but in a real application, over time, it diverges, and, as a result, runtime errors creep in. You should share this interface between the backend and the frontend. In Nx, you do this by creating a library.

Run the following generator to create a library:

npx nx g @nrwl/workspace:lib data

The result should look like this:

myorg/ ├── apps/ │ ├── todos/ │ ├── todos-e2e/ │ └── api/ ├── libs/ │ └── data/ │ ├── src/ │ │ ├── lib/ │ │ │ └── data.ts │ │ └── index.ts │ ├── jest.config.ts │ ├── project.json │ ├── tsconfig.json │ ├── tsconfig.lib.json │ └── tsconfig.spec.json ├── tools/ ├── nx.json ├── package.json └── tsconfig.base.json

Copy the interface into libs/data/src/lib/data.ts.

export interface Todo { title: string; }

A note about VS Code :

If you're using VS Code it may be necessary at this point to restart the TS server so that the new @myorg/data package is recognised. This may need to be done every time a new workspace library is added. If you install the Nx Console extension you won't need to take this step.

Refactor the API

Now update apps/api/src/app/todos.ts to import the interface:

import { Express } from 'express'; import { Todo } from '@myorg/data'; const todos: Todo[] = [{ title: 'Todo 1' }, { title: 'Todo 2' }]; export function addTodoRoutes(app: Express) { app.get('/api/todos', (req, resp) => resp.send(todos));'/api/addTodo', (req, resp) => { const newTodo = { title: `New todo ${Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000)}`, }; todos.push(newTodo); resp.send(newTodo); }); }

Update the React application

Next import the interface in apps/todos/src/app/app.tsx:

import { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import { Todo } from '@myorg/data'; export const App = () => { ... }; export default App;

Every time you add a new library, you have to restart npx nx serve.

So restart both npx nx serve api and npx nx serve todos and you should see the application running.

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